Welcome to Tim-Quit-His-Job!

Okay so out of school I had a Fortune 500 sales Job, worked from home, had managers who took me out golfing/wining/dining, and by the age of 23 had sole responsibility for three of the largest global retailers...and then "Quit." This blog is my justification to the nay-sayers, supporters, and most of all me.
Join me in my unorthodox, action-packed, mind-bending, and positive-vibe-driven sebaticle where I attempt to seek out my own personal legend in the confines of this crazy universe the only way I know how...taking a running leap to the edge of the cliff, closing my eyes, double fist pump to the sky screaming GERONIMO!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thinking About Travelling? - Start Here

While I was logging on to "The Network" at my past job, continually failing to find a working printer that would actually spit out 10 copies of an account plan (I thought I worked at a global technology company?...yeah) I had been compiling from the week before....I decided to type this phrase into the handy-dandy google search bar to see what came up, "How To Travel For Free"; little did I know these five words would be the shot of Being-True-To-Yourself syrum I had been fiending for.

I click search, awaiting the onslaught of the many pyramid schemes, "book ten of your friends and you can go too" deals, and my favorite "Do you like sex? Do you like to travel? Well then give mailto:Bob@sketchball55yearoldpromiseI a shout! But, to my surprise, Tim Peterson's "How To Travel the World For Free (Seriously) was the first link I came across...ok, I'm interested. I read through this article, took some notes, agreed with about 85% of it and then started reading the comments. The article was filled with links such as WOOF where you are able to work on organic farms in return for food and shelter, and Couchsurfing ,which is revolutionizing the way traveler's connect and communicate, while providing a legitamite/non-threatening community where both couch crashers and providers can build a repoir with one-another and link up along the road (*free place to stay).

The most interesting part of stumbling across Tim's gem was reading through the dialogue in the comments section. Here you had the outspoken gun-ho I make my own clothes out of recycled cardboard travelers, the one vacation in the summer with the kids folks, the cube dreamers, and the "whats the difference between a "vagabond" and being homeless"- questioners. This was a perfect mixing bowl that Tim had provided and instead of everyone taking turns churning up the conversation smoothly being mindful of one-another's diverse lifestyle, some nay-sayers took their electric mixer of fickle thoughts and condescending comments to the pot, and sprayed the shit all over the kitchen. It was just another great example of how some people love slamming a thought/lifestyle/motive so they can protect their ego and world they have built up around themselves to "reassure" THEY are doing the RIGHT job and these hippy travelers are a bunch of idealistic bums...they'll "grow" up...right? Other than the interesting dialogue, the comments are sprinkled with other helpful websites that allow you to travel, eat and sleep for free, as long as you are cool working 4-5 hours a DAY (four-five day work week) at the beach in St. Thomas, on a mountain in Peru, or the vineyards of Tuscany.

Long story short guys and girls, Matador Travel has given me the confidence, inspiration, and an outlet I needed to realize that there are THOUSANDS of others with my exact same mindset who share the same need I crave; To question everything and experience all. You will come across journalists who have been travelling for 20+ years and have seen almost every country , adventure travelers, photographers, guy who travels to over 100 countries and just...dances, along with vicarious viewers who are all supportive of one another and encourage you to blog about your travels and in turn, help to discover yourself. You can read through the entertaining and thought- provokin articles submitted by community members that are along the lines of: "Hostel Sex: A Practical Guide for Backpackers", "10 Things to Do in Amersterdam Besides Smoking Pot", "10 Biggest Parties in the World," and "How To Make Travel Look Good on A Resume." It takes a minute to create a profile, throw a picture up, and within a few days some of the senior editors will become your friends and virtually "show you around" the site (I got the sexxy Argentinian who thought it was funny I have the longest middle finger in the world...I think she was intrigued,horny, whatever).

Lesson Learned: When trying to print something, go to the secretary first so you don't have time to stumble across an article that could lead to you quitting your financially sound job. Wait, that wasn't it. If you are interested in travelling or want to read some adventures of getting hijacked on a train to Aztec ruins, building your own hostel/bar in the Devil's Point on the shores of Uruguay(this guy actually sent me his whole business plan after a few email exchanges, I'm telling you these people are amazing), or just stalk the pics of some college-aged cutie going through her "much deserved"-family funded "EuroTrip"...check out Matador. Who knows, maybe you'll be turning in your two weeks sooner than you thought!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Monster on Demand - Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

(This really set off a tick in me, and seeing as it relates to "employment", and a contrast to my themed site, I thought this post could find a comfortable place to nestle in the blog in case there are a few lost souls actually trying to find a job...please don't take this approach...)

Unemployment is at 10% in the United States, David Copperfield is hiding at the New York Stock Exchange magically making hard-working American's 401k's vanish before their eyes, recruitment has ceased, while the money markets and capital freeze into an iceage of insecurity...BUT never fear, Monster.com and Comcast have paired up to ensure you are now able to find a job, from the comfort of your couch!

You know what, I had to run this commerical back a few times the other night to make sure this wasnt one of those SNL parody commericials...nope this was legit. Some of you might be saying, "ahh dude what a great idea, now I can watch Entourage, smoke a blunt, crack a brick (beer), AND look for a job at the same time! Thank God I dont have to have my laptop in front of me during the Braves game to jobhunt, it was taking up way too much room on my foldout table in front of me that I use to place my microwave dinners and ashtray on. Or even better; Woman walks home from working her daycare, water-aerobics, and teaching jobs to find her husband (who was recently laid off 3 weeks ago because of a Reducition in Force) watching the Band of Brothers marathon that he just could not miss. Woman - "Damnit Frank, I'm out here working three jobs to support our family, and you're sitting on your ass, watching this Saving Private Ryan bullshit! Husband - " Oh contrare, hunny, matter of fact, I've been looking for jobs all day, look! I just use my little remote control here, scroll around, and submit a resume with a click of a button!"

This is the EXACT reason why some folks are having a tough time finding jobs, this is a depiction of what our society has become. *Let me throw a disclaimer out there to make sure that all you who are conciously sifting through every jobsite or person you know to help move you towards re-establishing a career, this blogpost is not for you, keep on it.* So many Americans today, especially generation Y/Millenials are not used to hardship. We want everything given to us, have our dream job with our dream salary and live the American Dream (I just heard the annoying theme song of "My Sweeeet Sixteeeen" ringing in my ears). We try to find excuses every day for why we lost/cant find a job. Whether it's pointing fingers at our previous employer, WallStreet, MainStreet, BackStreetBoys, The Daym Chinese, or whoever else we can find to be the scapegoat to the Animal Farm we live in today, the truth is we are pointing our fingers 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

We try to say to tell ourselves we are doing everything we can, applied to a few "internet websites," called a few old friends, or turned in a few resumes down the street. But how proactive are you truly being? I cannot tell you how many people I have spoken from my previous job alone who have friends' companies who are still hiring and cannot fill the positions! Every single person who got laid off of my job, found another in a short amount of time....aaaaaallll by being proactive, positive, and devoting hours of work each day calling every contact from the past 10 years, tweaking each resume to market themselves for each SPECIFIC opportunity, leveraging their verbage, learning all they can about the companies they are applying to, as well as referencing new press releases to show how amped they are about the direction the company is going!

Lesson Learned: You see, employers want smart, hardworking, excited, energetic, positive and proactive new hires...that's the differentiator, and employers can smell it. So tell me, how focused and strategic are you being in searching for your next career...sitting on your ass flipping through Sportscenter/Monster.com ads? Trust me, I get that this is another channel of communication, and a way for Monster to get more money for posting Ad's and Comcast...well, is a networking giant who will jump on any opportunity to diversify their services. Cheers to them, but I can just hear the kiddies now, "Shut up mom, I AM looking for a job right now! And bring me down some pizza rolls GodDammit! And one for Billy too, he's helping me decide my future!"

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2 Weeks Notice Out, Moe/RatDog/PGroove In

"Well I guess we are about done here, we'll process you tomorrow." And that's how my 1.5 year tenure at NCR ended, and my step into the unknown began. Which is ironic, because that's the same response I got from our new fully automated, zero human interaction...Human Resources Department when I signed on.

I felt a quick jab to the stomach (my ego and it's materialistic, money-driven, "my job is better than yours" way of trying to check me), felt a little faint, looked around, and the quick jab was soon replaced by a Ken from StreetFighter flying fist pump/ howard dean fueled BIIIIIIYYYYAAAHHH! Finally! This ever-growing load was lifted off of my chest, a feeling of true freedom in making a very tough decision for the betterment of my future. Financially, no this was not a good idea, but at this stage in my life, I want to be paid in Experiences. My good friend Colin (colinrdeffet.blogspot.com) defined our lifestyle pretty well; we are nothing more than Experience Junkies, who fiend off of crazy concerts, new cultures, untouched landscapes, smog-ridden city centers, women from all colors of the spectrum, and ever-changing mindsets that reflect our own purpose of being...or rather our search for our purpose of being.

What better way to kick-off Tim's New Year (Ohh yeah, I'm on my own calendar now) then with some great friends from Tampa/Charlotte at a Moe/RatDog/PGroove Two day jammer in downtown Atlanta?

5:00PM: Tampanites roll to my apartment, rail reunion shots and feed off of the energy that exudes from our anticipation and genuine happiness to see each other again. I swear you can touch the aura, bottle it up and sell it on the streets as Vibes in a Vile...I'd make a killing. Anyway, the vibes are right, the pregame is on, where is our Charlottinian?

6:00PM: The Charlottinian arrives, we book a quick cab, and zoom down to the venue while I am enthralled in a convo with our cab driver about him being from the Ivory Coast, me getting tons of spam/emails from African woman pleading to give me their "fortune" in exchange for my account number, me countering their plead with "well then send me a naked picture if you trust me this much" and concludes with me never getting one...hence the scam.
7:00PM - 2:00AM: "Someone call 911, cuz these kids are KILLIN' IT!"

15:00 minute jammers blazed from both moe and PGroove, hippie chicks, Wooks, retired GratefulDead old-schoolers, blasted boys and girls all frollicked together with a sense of oneness that can only be felt from the energy and passion of a crowd that not only listenes, but morphs the music into a Movement. Late night with PGroove was upstairs at the Masquerade and was amazing how many friends and happy faces you will see here. Honestly, never in my life have I seen this much love (doesnt matter if you are sober, spun, or sore (from hours of dancing), nor experience something that makes me feel this "right" and I am reminded of my new found freedom. Is my legend to strap on a boombox, blast PGroove down I-10 and dance with passer-by's to feel the love? Maybe, but let's put that on the backburner for now.

4:30PM: As we walk to the show, we meet up with some of our friends from our weekly kickball team, score some beers from the pregamers outside, and start getting hyped again. One experience to note...do not take a lot of liquid acid or drugs when you are by yourself, hours before the real music even starts. We saw this guy, wide-eyed, pacing back and forth grabbing his hair, tripping BOULDERS. After we tried to help him out, give him some beers, he literally poos his pants and pees twice while we are mid-convo...not much more we can do here I suppose. Ohh, and some coool sexxxy chill artist chick gave me a sweet 'Stache.
5:15PM: I find a guy walking past me with a Djembe who I met at RainDance Festival in Tampa, my rendition of "The Champ is Here" ensues. You can check out my previous performance here.

8:00PM: I think I lost my new camelpak with my wallet, money, life, freak out, run around a tent starting to accuse every single person I have made eye contact with, only to remember that at 7:58 I gave it to one of the Tampanites, woops, all is well.

10:00-2:00AM: After 8 bottles of water, tons of beer, and fun-filled festivities, we go upstairs to "Heaven" and experience another ground-shaking (literally) experience with the high-point being a rendition of "Take On Me" and smiles shared by all.

First off, Big Thanks to the Tampanites and Charlottinian for making the trip (even though the later bitched out night two and owes me 80 bux) and sharing another round of spectacular times.

Lesson Learned: Whenever life is getting too stressful, you aren't sure where you are going, and you dont know what the next step is...go to a show, break out some pots and pans- turned drumset with your buddy, write down a stupid song that rhymes and laugh out loud...we need these nuggets to remind us how priceless the gift of love, life, music, art, and community are and how strong of a force these can be with the right mindset.

Coming Soon...Ok, so I quit, what's this roadtrip all about?