I felt a quick jab to the stomach (my ego and it's materialistic, money-driven, "my job is better than yours" way of trying to check me), felt a little faint, looked around, and the quick jab was soon replaced by a Ken from StreetFighter flying fist pump/ howard dean fueled BIIIIIIYYYYAAAHHH! Finally! This ever-growing load was lifted off of my chest, a feeling of true freedom in making a very tough decision for the betterment of my future. Financially, no this was not a good idea, but at this stage in my life, I want to be paid in Experiences. My good friend Colin (colinrdeffet.blogspot.com) defined our lifestyle pretty well; we are nothing more than Experience Junkies, who fiend off of crazy concerts, new cultures, untouched landscapes, smog-ridden city centers, women from all colors of the spectrum, and ever-changing mindsets that reflect our own purpose of being...or rather our search for our purpose of being.
What better way to kick-off Tim's New Year (Ohh yeah, I'm on my own calendar now) then with some great friends from Tampa/Charlotte at a Moe/RatDog/PGroove Two day jammer in downtown Atlanta?
5:00PM: Tampanites roll to my apartment, rail reunion shots and feed off of the energy that exudes from our anticipation and genuine happiness to see each other again. I swear you can touch the aura, bottle it up and sell it on the streets as Vibes in a Vile...I'd make a killing. Anyway, the vibes are right, the pregame is on, where is our Charlottinian?
6:00PM: The Charlottinian arrives, we book a quick cab, and zoom down to the venue while I am enthralled in a convo with our cab driver about him being from the Ivory Coast, me getting tons of spam/emails from African woman pleading to give me their "fortune" in exchange for my account number, me countering their plead with "well then send me a naked picture if you trust me this much" and concludes with me never getting one...hence the scam.
7:00PM - 2:00AM: "Someone call 911, cuz these kids are KILLIN' IT!"

15:00 minute jammers blazed from both moe and PGroove, hippie chicks, Wooks, retired GratefulDead old-schoolers, blasted boys and girls all frollicked together with a sense of oneness that can only be felt from the energy and passion of a crowd that not only listenes, but morphs the music into a Movement. Late night with PGroove was upstairs at the Masquerade and was amazing how many friends and happy faces you will see here. Honestly, never in my life have I seen this much love (doesnt matter if you are sober, spun, or sore (from hours of dancing), nor experience something that makes me feel this "right" and I am reminded of my new found freedom. Is my legend to strap on a boombox, blast PGroove down I-10 and dance with passer-by's to feel the love? Maybe, but let's put that on the backburner for now.
4:30PM: As we walk to the show, we meet up with some of our friends from our weekly kickball team, score some beers from the pregamers outside, and start getting hyped again. One experience to note...do not take a lot of liquid acid or drugs when you are by yourself, hours
before the real music even starts. We saw this guy, wide-eyed, pacing back and forth grabbing his hair, tripping BOULDERS. After we tried to help him out, give him some beers, he literally poos his pants and pees twice while we are mid-convo...not much more we can do here I suppose. Ohh, and some coool sexxxy chill artist chick gave me a sweet 'Stache.

5:15PM: I find a guy walking past me with a Djembe who I met at RainDance Festival in Tampa, my rendition of "The Champ is Here" ensues. You can check out my previous performance here.
8:00PM: I think I lost my new camelpak with my wallet, money, life, freak out, run around a tent starting to accuse every single person I have made eye contact with, only to remember that at 7:58 I gave it to one of the Tampanites, woops, all is well.
10:00-2:00AM: After 8 bottles of water, tons of beer, and fun-filled festivities, we go upstairs to "Heaven" and experience another ground-shaking (literally) experience with the high-point being a rendition of "Take On Me" and smiles shared by all.

First off, Big Thanks to the Tampanites and Charlottinian for making the trip (even though the later bitched out night two and owes me 80 bux) and sharing another round of spectacular times.
Lesson Learned: Whenever life is getting too stressful, you aren't sure where you are going, and you dont know what the next step is...go to a show, break out some pots and pans- turned drumset with your buddy, write down a stupid song that rhymes and laugh out loud...we need these nuggets to remind us how priceless the gift of love, life, music, art, and community are and how strong of a force these can be with the right mindset.
Coming Soon...Ok, so I quit, what's this roadtrip all about?
LOVE YA JOKER. damn 1st blog i read of urs. could not be put better!