While I was logging on to "The Network" at my past job, continually failing to find a working printer that would actually spit out 10 copies of an account plan (I thought I worked at a global technology company?...yeah) I had been compiling from the week before....I decided to type this phrase into the handy-dandy google search bar to see what came up, "How To Travel For Free"; little did I know these five words would be the shot of Being-True-To-Yourself syrum I had been fiending for.
I click search, awaiting the onslaught of the many pyramid schemes, "book ten of your friends and you can go too" deals, and my favorite "Do you like sex? Do you like to travel? Well then give mailto:Bob@sketchball55yearoldpromiseI a shout! But, to my surprise, Tim Peterson's "How To Travel the World For Free (Seriously) was the first link I came across...ok, I'm interested. I read through this article, took some notes, agreed with about 85% of it and then started reading the comments. The article was filled with links such as WOOF where you are able to work on organic farms in return for food and shelter, and Couchsurfing ,which is revolutionizing the way traveler's connect and communicate, while providing a legitamite/non-threatening community where both couch crashers and providers can build a repoir with one-another and link up along the road (*free place to stay).
The most interesting part of stumbling across Tim's gem was reading through the dialogue in the comments section. Here you had the outspoken gun-ho I make my own clothes out of recycled cardboard travelers, the one vacation in the summer with the kids folks, the cube dreamers, and the "whats the difference between a "vagabond" and being homeless"- questioners. This was a perfect mixing bowl that Tim had provided and instead of everyone taking turns churning up the conversation smoothly being mindful of one-another's diverse lifestyle, some nay-sayers took their electric mixer of fickle thoughts and condescending comments to the pot, and sprayed the shit all over the kitchen. It was just another great example of how some people love slamming a thought/lifestyle/motive so they can protect their ego and world they have built up around themselves to "reassure" THEY are doing the RIGHT job and these hippy travelers are a bunch of idealistic bums...they'll "grow" up...right? Other than the interesting dialogue, the comments are sprinkled with other helpful websites that allow you to travel, eat and sleep for free, as long as you are cool working 4-5 hours a DAY (four-five day work week) at the beach in St. Thomas, on a mountain in Peru, or the vineyards of Tuscany.
Long story short guys and girls, Matador Travel has given me the confidence, inspiration, and an outlet I needed to realize that there are THOUSANDS of others with my exact same mindset who share the same need I crave; To question everything and experience all. You will come across journalists who have been travelling for 20+ years and have seen almost every country , adventure travelers, photographers, guy who travels to over 100 countries and just...dances, along with vicarious viewers who are all supportive of one another and encourage you to blog about your travels and in turn, help to discover yourself. You can read through the entertaining and thought- provokin articles submitted by community members that are along the lines of: "Hostel Sex: A Practical Guide for Backpackers", "10 Things to Do in Amersterdam Besides Smoking Pot", "10 Biggest Parties in the World," and "How To Make Travel Look Good on A Resume." It takes a minute to create a profile, throw a picture up, and within a few days some of the senior editors will become your friends and virtually "show you around" the site (I got the sexxy Argentinian who thought it was funny I have the longest middle finger in the world...I think she was intrigued,horny, whatever).
Lesson Learned: When trying to print something, go to the secretary first so you don't have time to stumble across an article that could lead to you quitting your financially sound job. Wait, that wasn't it. If you are interested in travelling or want to read some adventures of getting hijacked on a train to Aztec ruins, building your own hostel/bar in the Devil's Point on the shores of Uruguay(this guy actually sent me his whole business plan after a few email exchanges, I'm telling you these people are amazing), or just stalk the pics of some college-aged cutie going through her "much deserved"-family funded "EuroTrip"...check out Matador. Who knows, maybe you'll be turning in your two weeks sooner than you thought!